I don't know about everybody else here, but everytime I look in our wallpaper section, I see it crowded with millions (I exaggerate) of fractal wallpapers. If this website restricts and moderates certain designs from being shown on our site, I believe its about time to restrict the majority of fractal designs, unless original or unique. I look at many of the designs, and I see the same thing, just with different colors, whereas other citizens are trying to post their original work and being denied. Also, many people that post 10 wallpapers at a time should group their walls into a "set" and try to limit the number of posts per day to one. There is nothing more frusterating than seeing 10 of the same designs, with different colors all on one page, and having to flip through many pages just to try and find the posts from the day before. This may just be a pet peeve of mine, and dont take this as complaining, because I love this place. Just, I want to see if anybody else out there sees this the same as I do.